Brem Friends and Supporters,
I am writing to update you on the Brem Foundation's response to the dynamic COVID-19 situation. As a healthcare non-profit, safeguarding the well-being of our staff, board members, supporters, and friends is of paramount importance. Therefore, the Brem Foundation is adapting to the CDC guidelines and all of our new realities in the following ways:
- First, and most importantly, the Brem Foundation is asking everyone to take maximum care of themselves and others. To us here at the Brem Foundation this means taking the social distancing guidelines seriously, especially for those most vulnerable in our society. We recognize that this is difficult but it is CRITICAL for the well-being of ourselves and our society in general.
- The Brem Foundation is shifting all in-person events from now until at least June 1st to a creative, online format. We are working hard to clarify what that will look like. Please know that we will still offer education about early detection. We will likely add some innovative and engaging twists to keep our friends and supporters healthy and happy during these new times.
- We are postponing our fundraisers and looking for fall dates. However, donations and support are more important now than ever before. Any contribution you can make is appreciated and will go to ensure that our programs continue to run for those who need them most. To give today, click here.
- We are encouraging everyone with questions to reach out to their physicians and Departments of Health.
I implore you to take good care of yourselves and proceed with great caution. If at all possible, please avoid social gatherings of any kind, limit social interactions, and refrain from public events (including restaurants, movie theaters, parties, playgrounds etc.). Find pockets of humor and goodwill to keep your spirits up. If we all take it upon ourselves to protect our health and the health of others, especially those most vulnerable in our population, we will be better equipped to get through these challenging times with minimal damage. I am available to talk any time and please feel free to reach out. My cell is 410-491-9360.
Wishing you and your families a safe, healthy, and easy time.
With strength to us all,
Andrea Wolf
The Brem Foundation