Leslie | 54
I'm Leslie. I am a #wonderwoman.
This is why.
In January of this year I received a clean bill of health following a routine 3-D mammogram. This did not seem odd as there was no history of breast cancer in my family. Unfortunately in April I noticed a minor shape change in my breast so I received another 3-D mammogram with similar (negative) results. The nurse practitioner agreed with my concerns, therefore, suggested I receive a supplemental ultrasound. Shortly thereafter I received a breast cancer diagnosis and three weeks later I underwent a double mastectomy. Had I not advocated on my own behalf, I may have gone another year without finding the two areas of invasive carcinoma. I am now cancer free, awaiting my final plastic surgery reconstruction. I am a strong proponent of self advocacy, and encourage everyone I can, especially those with dense breast tissue, to ask for extended testing-particularly ultrasound. Leslie, RN MSN (54)