At 44, Sheryl Crow Discovered Breast Cancer During Annual Mammogram

In 2006, at age 44, Sheryl Crow went in for her annual mammogram - as she had every year since she turned 40. She never expected there to be a problem. But there was a problem. She had breast cancer. Though her cancer was early-stage and non-invasive, she had a lumpectomy and radiation.

Crow’s diagnosis transformed her life in many ways but, most lasting, was her transformation into an early-detection advocate.

According to Crow, “[talking about breast cancer] takes the fear out of it…one of the problems we have with breast cancer, in general, is getting women to go and get a mammogram. A lot of us who are moms are too busy, or we don’t want to know…In some instances, we’re poorly insured or uninsured. And until we find a cure, early detection is our cure.”

After her battle with breast cancer, Sheryl Crow opened the Sheryl Crow Imaging Center in 2010.

The Imaging Center Dr. Kristi Funk’s Pink Lotus Breast Center provides other women with the revolutionary technology that saved her life. Crow stands united with all women who are struggling with what she went through.

She is “joining the more than 200,000 women who will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year. We are a testament to the importance of early detection and new treatments."

I am inspired by the brave women who have faced this battle before me and grateful for the support of my family and friends”. The Brem Foundation aligns with Sheryl Crow’s values and message – early detection saves lives!

The Brem Foundation works to raise awareness about the necessity of early detection of breast cancer, make these technologies more accessible to all people, and maximize each woman’s chances of finding an early, curable breast cancer.

We thank Sheryl Crow for being an Early Detection Ambassador. The more voices we can raise to tell women everywhere about early detection, the more lives we will save.


Running for Cancer, Not From It


Breast Cancer "Overdiagnosis" is a Dangerous Misnomer